Vin Omerto moelleux chaudBy Pascal MicheL'Omerto moelleux chaud est une breuvage délicieux, parfait pour les temps froids. À déguster entre amis ou en famille!
Omerto vichyssoiseBy Pascal MicheThis recipe was create by Regis Barthe from the restaurant La Bouche des Goûts (Auberge L'Estampille à Baie-St-Paul). Thank you!
Partridge TerrineBy Sylvie Cousineau

Mme Marjorie Maltais, chief consultant and columnist accompanied by M. Marc- André Gauvin, M. Jean-Frédérick Lessard, M. Florian Malvault et M. Yves Marcotte


Where to buy our products?

Société des Alcools du Québec (SAQ)
(Ask for it at your local SAQ store)
Product number:
- dry: 12981483
- moelleux : 12981512
- cherry/chestnut cask 14161251
Karibu Wine bar in  Quebec City:

Distribution Canada

Tel : 418 617-9591
Baie-Saint-Paul, QC

Visit the Omerto Boutique

 From June 1st to October 31st:
7 days a week, from 10 AM to 5 PM

and November 1st to May 31st:
By appointment only
418 617-9591

Contact us

328, Rang St-Antoine Nord
Baie-Saint-Paul (Quebec) Canada
G3Z 2C3
T : 418 617-9591



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